Developments in Fernwood
Housing Developments in Fernwood
There are plans already in place for more than 3000 new homes in Fernwood so our village is going to change significantly. The table below gives you a summary of the major developments in the Parish over the coming years. We’ve tried to pull out key links and information.
The developers that have already submitted plans are:
- Allison Homes - full planning granted for 350 homes - construction in progress
- Barratt David Wilson Homes- planning for 1050 homes - construction in progress
- Persimmon Homes - planning for 1800 homes - outline planning permission has been granted. 'Reserved Matters' application yet to be submitted (June 2023).
Newark and Sherwood District Council's local development framework and core strategy and allocations document identifies more sites for houses in the future, NAP 2C Land around Fernwood (see pages 97 to 101). To look for full details of what is planned for Fernwood, we recommend that you access planning documents on their website Home | Newark & Sherwood District Council ( The following image gives a picture of the plans for the parish of Fernwood.

Growing Fernwood
Planning Applications | Developer | Summary | Dates |
Barratt David Wilson Homes |
The proposed development will comprise the following: • Up to 1050 residential units with a mix of size, tenures and types over approximately 29.12ha; • Provision of Vehicular access into the proposed development via an extension of Phoenix Lane (via 2 points), Dale Crescent and also Hollowdyke Lane (from the south only), the latter of which is expected to be utilised for construction traffic; • Provision of a potential bus, pedestrian and cycle only link through the development along Hollowdyke Lane in the north (including allowing access to existing scrap yard/allotments); • Extension of the existing Chuter Ede (Fernwood Annexe) Primary School to create a total capacity of 420 pupils; • Comprehensive green infrastructure with a continuous open space network and multi functional open spaces over approximately 21.88 ha. This is likely to include space for children and young people, amenity green space, outdoor sports facilities, sports pavilion, allotments/community gardens, natural and semi natural green spaces incorporating SUDs, noise mitigation and retained hedgerows and greenways; • A network of pedestrian and cycle paths which connect to the surrounding area and existing public rights of way; • Roads and associated infrastructure; and • Foul and surface water drainage infrastructure, including attenuation ponds forming part of the Sustainable Urban Drainage System infrastructure. |
Construction started at the beginning of 2020 and new homes are being occupied. |
Allison Homes (previously know as Larkfleet Homes) |
Up to 350 new homes included market homes and a proportion of affordable homes, reflecting local vernacular • A mix of 1 to 5 bed properties for families, first time buyers, and the elderly. Bungalows would provide for a fully connected and transferable market • New access roundabout via the Great North Road • Numerous children’s play areas (LAP’s and LEAP’s) • Pedestrian and cycle links through the development, connecting with the existing wider area and the proposed new future development to the south • New areas of landscaping, public open space, providing an attractive area to live and creating a distinctive place, appropriate to the village edge location. • Retention of existing trees and hedges • Extensive habitat creation, including enhancement of boundaries, a wild flower meadow, allotments and new native hedgerow planting • SuDs design that will address surface water drainage, whilst providing flood storage areas that can provide additional open space in dry periods. |
Construction started in 2021 with the first occupation expected in summer 2023 |
Persimmon Homes |
A phased residential development of up to 1,800 dwellings; a mixed use Local Centre of up to 0.75ha to include up to 535sqm of A1 food retail (not exceeding 420sqm) and non-food retail (not exceeding 115sqm), A3 food and drink uses (not exceeding 115sqm), D1 community uses (not exceeding 1,413sqm); sports pavilion up to 252sqm; primary school (2.2ha) with school expansion land (0.8ha); formal and informal open space including sports pitches, pocket parks, structural landscaping / greenspace and drainage infrastructure; principal means of access, internal roads and associated works. |
Start date unknown. Reserved matters planning application likely to be submittediin 2023. |
Water Tower
The water tower was sold by auction in 2020. The owner is planning to convert the tower into apartments subject to a planning application.
Changes to the roads around Fernwood
The following map shows where different stakeholders are working in the village. This doesn't show the planned southern relief road which will join the B6326 with a new roundabout being built just after the Balderton roundabout and Welcome Break services, before the A1 bridge.