Nottinghamshire County Council have invested £750,000 in order to help deliver high-speed broadband to the most rural parts of the county. The £750,000 investment is to support the government’s ‘Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme’ which delivers subsidy to rural homes and businesses without access to high-speed broadband to help deploy a full-fibre network. Under the scheme residential premises are eligible for up to £1,500 and small and medium sized businesses are eligible for up to £3,500 through a registered supplier when part of a group scheme. The Notts top-up doubles the value of the voucher, meaning rural residential premises are eligible for up to £3,000, and small and medium sized rural business are eligible for up to £7,000. For further details on the scheme and to see if your property is eligible please visit or contact the team at [email protected]